WorldVia Travel Quest Network's Travel Entrepreneur Blog

How to Overcome Roadblocks When You're Feeling Stuck in Your Business

Written by Team WorldVia | Oct 13, 2023 2:52:03 PM

Ever felt like your business is stuck in a maze, with roadblocks popping up at every turn? It can be frustrating and disheartening. But remember this: every entrepreneur has been there. 

Getting over these obstacles isn't about brute force; it's more akin to solving a puzzle or learning a dance. And that dance begins with understanding what you're up against, then charting out an escape route. 

It’s true: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Overcoming a roadblock can be a valuable lesson to help guide you and develop protocols for running your business efficiently and effectively. Here are some things to keep in mind when you find yourself in a rut struggling to get out. 

Diagnose the Problem 

Getting stuck can be disheartening, but don't fret. The key to regaining momentum lies in combining smart strategy and prompt action. 

First, it's important to diagnose the issue. Is there a lack of motivation on your part? Or perhaps a difficulty in making decisions? Take some time for self-reflection to help identify the tangible factors or disruptors holding you back. Once you know what those are, you can better develop solutions to tackle them.  

Keep the Passion  

Operating a travel business is not always smooth sailing, and you're bound to face obstacles. But there’s a reason you do what you do. Take some time to remind yourself of that and remember why you started this journey.  

Reaffirm your "why” —if you’re in the travel business, you have a love for travel and a passion to help others experience the joy it brings. Tap into that! It can be a powerful tool to center yourself and serve as a reminder for why you do what you do in the first place. Reconnect with that passion and let it be a guiding light on your way forward.  

Don’t Be Afraid to Reach Out  

Of course, even when you’re designing ways to overcome challenges, you’re not going to have all the answers. It’s why you shouldn’t be afraid to reach out for help. It’s very likely that others have been in a similar situation as you at one point or another in their entrepreneurial journey. Take advantage of your network and see if you might identify a solution or way of doing things you hadn’t considered.  

A strong network can mean many things, too. It can be made up of mentors who've navigated similar paths, peers in the industry to bounce ideas off, and team members who share your vision. These are the people who not only help you overcome roadblocks, but also bring diverse perspectives to drive innovation. 

Learn from the Past  

The best teacher is often experience. Is there a roadblock you faced when you first started your travel agency? You may have felt stuck, but look at where you are now. That hurdle was a stepping stone to better strategies and success.  

Think about how you might have overcome an obstacle in the past and apply that technique in the context of the problem you’re facing. Within this step, be sure to also keep notes on what’s worked or what works for you so that, the next time you get stuck, you’ll be two steps ahead with a guidebook full of knowledge to eliminate your pain points quicker. 

Overall, analyzing past obstacles lets us identify patterns and develop preventative measures for the future. It's like going through a maze—each wrong turn helps us chart a more accurate course next time. 

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations 

When establishing your own travel agency, it's essential to establish aims that are both attainable and sensible. Aim for growth, but remember Rome wasn't built in a day.  

For example, instead of aiming to get 100 new clients in your first month—which might be unrealistic—start with a more manageable goal. If your frustrations stem from not reaching a goal, think back to when you set it and the reasoning behind it. Look back at your year-long business plan and see where you might have veered.  

It can be easy to get discouraged when setting a goal and realizing you’re not meeting it. But that doesn’t mean you should mope around. Regroup, reassess, and set a target that you’ll feel proud of hitting by the year’s close. That way, you’ll have a story to tell about how you overcame your challenges and accomplished something you can be proud of.