WorldVia Travel Quest Network's Travel Entrepreneur Blog

Why Identifying Knowledge Gaps Can Help Stimulate Business Growth

Written by Team WorldVia | Nov 3, 2023 2:10:39 PM

Ever embarked on a journey, armed with your GPS and itinerary, only to find the route has changed?  

In any line of work, recognizing that there are things you don’t know is not just common—it’s inevitable. The real trick lies in identifying these gaps in knowledge. 

But fear not! There are methods you can use to identify those pesky unknowns, transform them into opportunities for growth, and reveal why it's okay to ask for help when needed. 

Here are some tips and suggestions to have in mind when you encounter a roadblock along your business journey.  

Embrace the Unknown 

As a travel business owner, there will be times when you'll encounter unfamiliar situations. And that can be intimidating! In these instances, it’s all about your approach. Instead of shutting down, think of these times as opportunities for growth. 

The travel business is full of surprises, but that doesn’t mean you should let unknowns scare you. Instead, view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Acknowledging what you don't know lets you fill in the gaps with useful knowledge that can benefit your agency down the line. It's all about adopting a positive mindset towards challenges. 

Embracing the unknown means, by nature, that your exploration will guide you toward a greater understanding of the things you need to run your business effectively. It can sound daunting, but it will pay off in the long run.  

Find Your Knowledge Gaps 

Recognizing what you don't know is the first step towards growth. To identify your knowledge gaps, start by asking yourself questions about areas in the travel business where you feel less confident. This could be anything from understanding different destinations to managing bookings. 

Next, give honest feedback on your performance after each task or project. Self-reflection can help reveal skills that need more development. For instance, if a customer asked a question and you struggled with the answer, write it down and make sure you have an answer for next time. After all, practice makes perfect.  

Leverage Your Travel Agent Community 

When you hit a roadblock in your travel business, don't panic. When you're unsure of the next step, don't be afraid to tap into the collective knowledge of other travel agents. It’s likely they’ve had the same problem as you at one time or another, and they just might have a solution that works for you.   

What’s more, don’t think of reaching out for help as showing weakness. It's alright to not know everything. Say you encounter an unfamiliar destination or complex itinerary—why not tap into the experience within your network? You might be surprised by how much knowledge is just one question away. 

Plus, every time you reach out, you gain a new advocate and connection to bounce ideas off of along the way. The power of networking goes beyond mere transactions; it builds lasting relationships that can guide and inspire growth in your journey as an agent. 

Take Advantage of Industry Resources 

It might sound obvious, but it bears stating: travel suppliers want you the travel agent to sell their product. With that in mind, it’s in their best interest to make the process of doing so as easy and seamless as possible. It’s why they training portals and dedicated business development managers in place to help you should you stumble or come across a roadblock.  

From webinars on emerging destinations to forums discussing industry shifts, they can make sure you're equipped with up-to-date knowledge. All of these resources are there—why not take advantage of them? 

It’s often said that throughout life, we’re always learning. Being a travel agent is no different—the more you learn, the more prepared you’ll be when it comes time to sell a trip, and the more well-rounded you’ll be as you continue to come into your own as a travel professional.