WorldVia Travel Quest Network's Travel Entrepreneur Blog

How to Adjust to Adversity in Running Your Travel Business

Written by Jason Block | Aug 30, 2024 10:43:47 PM

Just the other day, I had one of those mornings where everything seemed to go wrong. I was running late, spilled my coffee all over a newly pressed white shirt, and then, just as I was finally about to head out the door, I discovered that my car wouldn’t start. With a full day of meetings lined up, it was the last thing I needed. My first instinct was to stress out—this was definitely not part of the plan.

But after taking a moment to catch my breath, I thought, “What can I do with this time?” I called my wife, who was still at an early morning doctor’s appointment, to come give me a jump start when she got home. With some unexpected time on my hands, I caught up on emails, planned ahead for the week, and even had a meaningful phone call with my mother, whom I hadn’t had a chance to talk to in a few weeks.

By the time the car was up and running, I realized that what started as a frustrating morning had turned into a surprisingly productive one.

The Power of a Pivot

In our industry, being able to pivot is crucial. It’s not just about having a backup plan; it’s about embracing change and turning it into an advantage. Maybe a client’s dream destination suddenly becomes off-limits, but you know of a hidden gem that turns out to be their best vacation yet. Or perhaps a logistical hiccup gives you the chance to showcase your exceptional problem-solving skills, turning a potential disaster into a story of triumph.

Running a travel business is full of moments where things don’t go as planned. These moments can feel like they’re throwing us off course, but they also offer unique opportunities to adapt, grow, and find new solutions.

What unexpected opportunities have popped up recently? How can you nurture them into something valuable? Maybe an unexpected client inquiry leads to a new niche market. Or perhaps one of those hiccups presents a chance to streamline a process you hadn’t reconsidered in years.

These business surprises can often lead to something better than we originally planned. They push us to think creatively, to find new paths, and to uncover opportunities we might have otherwise overlooked.

Unexpected Moments, Unforgettable Experiences

The truth is that some of the most unforgettable travel experiences come from the unexpected. As travel advisors, we have the privilege of guiding our clients through these moments, ensuring they come away with not just stories to tell, but memories they’ll cherish.

Let’s apply the same mindset to our businesses. What if we viewed every unexpected twist not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity? How might that change the way we approach our day-to-day work?

Embracing the Unexpected

I challenge you to think about how you can turn the “car won’t start” moments of your business into opportunities. How can you pivot to not just overcome them, but to turn them into something positive?

Let’s embrace those twists and turns, knowing that they might just lead us to something extraordinary.